Green housing loans

Scorecard is Australia's trusted energy and comfort rating program for existing homes


Banks and financial institutions

An increasing number of banks and financial institutions are rewarding their customers with low interest rate green loans or eco loans for energy efficient houses, renovations or upgrades.

Supported by government-developed software and delivered by experienced and accredited assessors, Scorecard offers an objective report of your home:

  • energy efficiency star rating out of 10 stars
  • comfort rating showing how well a home copes with hot and cold weather
  • star rating with and without solar power
  • efficiency ratings for each fixed appliance
  • energy consumption of the fixed appliances over one year
  • greenhouse gas emissions of the fixed appliances over one year

Your Scorecard assessor can also provide a Scorecard variation report. The variation report models the impact of proposed renovations or upgrades on a home's energy efficiency star rating, clearly demonstrating the real and measurable benefits of your proposed renovations or upgrades.

Contact the financial institutions offering these loans for detailed information and eligibility requirements. Search online for 'green loan' or 'eco loan' to find banking products.

If you work in the finance sector you can discover how Scorecard can benefit both your organisation and customers.

No Interest Loan Schemes (NILS)

No Interest Loans (NILS) provide households on low income with access to safe, fair and affordable credit. This type of loan has no interest and no fees.

Loans may be available for essential goods such as household appliances or insulation for up to $1,500. Repayments are set at an affordable amount over 12 to 18 months and can be made from the savings in your energy costs.

For further information visit the NILS website:

Environmental Upgrade Finance (EUF)

EUF is an emerging loan product that involves a household, a lender and the council. Repayments are made through quarterly rates instalments to the council, then the council pays the lender on the householder’s behalf.

You do not need to pay upfront for the upgrade. The loan is repaid over several years to keep the repayment amount manageable. The loan is attached to the property rather than to you, so if you sell the house it transfers to the new owners or an adjustment is made during settlement, so the loan doesn’t come with you.

Currently this is only available to households in Victoria and the legislation that enables these loans is new.