Top 15 Tips for Draught-Proofing Your Home: Start Your Energy Efficiency Journey Right

Aug 16, 2024By James William
James William

Imagine sitting in your living room on a blustery winter evening. Your heater’s running, but a chill still lingers. You check the windows and doors, and sure enough, a cold breeze sneaks in through tiny gaps. This is the moment when you realize draught-proofing is essential to creating a cozy, energy-efficient home. Here are a few simple yet effective tips to help you and your home start your draught-proofing journey right.

1. Identify Hidden Gaps

Start by playing detective! Look for sneaky gaps around windows, doors, skirting boards, and even attic hatches. These tiny spaces are notorious for letting in cold air and driving up your energy bills.

2. Self-Adhesive Tape

This might not sound glamorous, but foam tape and V seal are your new best friends. It’s perfect for sealing gaps around windows and doors, and it’s easy to install. Just peel, stick, and enjoy the immediate warmth.

3. Draft Snakes for Doors

Remember the old-fashioned draft snakes from your childhood? Well, they’re making a comeback! You can even make them yourself. Fill a fabric tube with rice or sand and place it at the base of your door to keep the cold out. It’s functional and can add a quirky touch to your décor.

4. Check Your Letterbox

Your letterbox might be an uninvited guest letting cold air into your home. A simple letterbox flap or brush can work wonders in keeping your hallway cozy and warm.

5. Seal Electrical Outlets

Did you know cold air can creep in through your electrical outlets, especially on exterior walls? A foam gasket behind the outlet cover can block these unexpected drafts.

 6. Chimney Seal

If your fireplace is more for decoration than function, a chimney balloon or foam seal is a clever way to stop heat from escaping up the chimney and cold air from swooping down.

7. Curtains and Blinds

Think of curtains and blinds as your home’s winter coat. Heavy, lined curtains or thermal blinds add an extra layer of insulation, keeping the warmth inside where it belongs.

8. Install Door Seals

Door seals, like brush seals or rubber draft stoppers, are simple yet highly effective. They prevent warm air from slipping out and cold air from barging in.

9. Maintain Ventilation

When sealing your home to improve energy efficiency, be careful not to block essential ventilation. Maintaining good airflow, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms, is crucial to prevent dampness and ensure healthy air quality. Additionally, be mindful of gas appliances and the potential risk of carbon monoxide buildup.

10. Inspect Regularly

Draught-proofing isn’t a one-and-done job. Over time, seals can wear out or get damaged, so it’s important to check them regularly and replace them as needed to maintain a cozy home environment.

11. Silicone Paintable Sealant

For a seamless finish that blends with your home’s aesthetics, silicone paintable sealant is a game-changer. Use it to seal gaps around window frames, door trims, and baseboards. Unlike regular sealants, this one can be painted over, ensuring it matches your interior perfectly. It's ideal for filling those tricky gaps where a neat appearance is just as important as keeping the cold out. Not only does it improve energy efficiency, but it also enhances the overall look of your home!

12. Upgrade to Self-Sealing Exhaust Fans or Use Draft Stoppers

Exhaust fans can be a significant source of heat loss, acting as a pathway for warm air to escape. Consider upgrading to self-sealing exhaust fans, which automatically close when not in use, preventing unwanted draughts. Alternatively, products like DraftStoppa are specifically designed to seal off these openings effectively. This simple upgrade can make a noticeable difference in maintaining your home’s warmth.

13. Close or Cover Heating and Cooling Ducts

When your heating or cooling system isn’t running, open ducts can act like thermal chimneys, allowing warm air to escape and cold air to enter. Closing or covering these ducts when not in use can significantly reduce heat loss and prevent cold drafts from circulating through your home. It’s a small step with big energy-saving potential, helping to keep your home comfortable year-round.

14. Seal your Ductwork 

Ductwork is another common area where heat can escape. Ensuring that all gaps around your ductwork are sealed with appropriate materials, like mastic sealant or metal tape, is crucial. This prevents warm air from leaking out and cold air from creeping in. Over time, ducts can become compromised due to deterioration or movement, leading to splits and leaks. Inspect your ducts regularly for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, holes, or loose connections. Ensuring your ductwork is intact not only prevents energy loss but also helps your heating and cooling systems run more efficiently, keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer.

15. DIY Draught Detection with an Incense Stick

For a DIY version of the blower door test, light an incense stick and walk around your home with all internal doors open and extraction fans turned on. As you hold the incense stick near windows, doors, skirting boards, and even above door and window frames, watch how the smoke behaves. If it’s drawn in a particular direction, you’ve found a draught! This simple trick can help you identify those harder-to-find gaps that might be compromising your home’s energy efficiency.

Start with a Residential Efficiency Scorecard

Now that you’ve armed yourself with these draught-proofing tips, it’s time to take the next step in your energy efficiency journey. At Australian Energy Assessments, we offer FREE Residential Efficiency Scorecard assessment, which is like having a home energy expert by your side. This assessment helps you identify exactly where your home is losing energy, including those pesky draughts. 

By focusing on draught-proofing first, you’re setting your home up for a more comfortable, sustainable future. Don’t let another chilly breeze catch you off guard— book your free Residential Efficiency Scorecard assessment today and take the first step towards a greener, more efficient home.

To learn more about how draught-proofing can transform your home’s energy efficiency, and want to engage a profesional draught-proofing company visit Sapien Group at  Together, we’ll help you create a home that’s as cozy as it is sustainable!